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Birdwatching Tours Morelos

La Cima, Fierro del Toro

Our Tour will take us to the Chichinautzin Mountain Range located about 20 miles from Cuernavaca, this is an Area of Pine forest, and native bunch grasses, this is the only place were you will be able to see the Sierra Madre Sparrow, this bird is a Native of this zone, other species of interest in the área are:

Red Warbler, Strickland Woodpecker ,Stripped Sparrow, Long Tailed Wood Partridge, Rufus capped Bushfinch, White eared Hummingbird, White Striped Woodcreeper, Grey barred Wren, Grey Silky,  Brown backed Solitare,  Chesnut Sided Shrike Vireo,  Green striped Brushfinch,  Cinnamon Bellied  Flower piercer

San Andres de la Cal

Our Tour will take us to the quaint Town of San Andres de la Cal, located at the foot of the mystical Tepoztlan Mountain Range, Just a stones throw from The Magical Town of Tepozlan, there we will hike to the Birding site, in this location we will be able to see, and Photograph a great variety of birds, species of interest in the área are:

Lesser Roadrunner, Balsas Screech Owl, Colima Pigmy Owl, Golden Crowned Emerald Hummingbird, Dusky Hummingbird, Russet Crowned Motmot, Golden Cheeked Woodpecker, Pileated Flycatcher, Vermillion Flycatcher, Gnat Catcher, Happy Wren, Banded Wren Golden Vireo,Rusty Crowned Ground Sparrow, Black Chested Sparrow, Black Vented Oriole, White, Herons, Gray Herons.

Cañon de Lobos


This site is an area of brushy tropical thorn forest and woodland at the upper reaches of the Rio Balsas drainage, in this birding spot you will find a number of bird species characteristic of Mexico´s Pacific Slope, and arid Southwest interior.

Species of interest in Cañon de Lobos:

West Mexican Chachalaca, Banded Quail, Lesser Ground Cuckoo, Balsas Skreech Owl, Colima Pigmy Owl, Golden crowned Emerald, Dusky Hummingbird, Russet Crowned Motmot, Pileated Flycatcher,Golden Vireo,Rusty crowned Ground Sparrow, and Black crested Sparrow. 

Sierra de Huautla Biosphere Reserve.

Located in the south of the State of Morelos, the Sierra de Huautla Biosphere reserve is located in the Balsas River Valley, it is a natural biodiversity reservoir, of great importance due to its geographical distribution, and its scarped terrain, species of interest in the area are:

Balsas Screech-Owl, Banded Quail, Black-chestedSparrow,BlueMockingbird, Boucard’s Wren,Buff-collared Nightjar

ColimaPygmy-Owl, Dusky Hummingbird, GoldenVireo,Golden-cheeked Woodpecker,Golden-crownedEmerald, Gray-breasted Woodpecker

Happy Wren,Orange-breasted Bunting

Orange-fronted Parakeet, Rufous-backed Robin, Russet-crowned Motmot

Rusty-crowned Ground-Sparrow

SpottedWren,Violet-crowned Hummingbird,West Chachalaca


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