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Eco, and Archaeological Tours

Cacahuamilpa Caverns and Taxco Silver Tour

Our tour departs Cuernavaca at 8:30 am. And arrives at our first point, Cacaguamilpa Caverns  at 9:45.

Cacahuamilpa is one of the largest cave systems in the world. It is a "live" cave system, meaning that groundwater still filters down into it, and that the formations there are still growing. Inside the cavern system there are ninety large "salons" separated by large natural rock walls and connected to one another via a central gallery.

We will be able to admire the Natural stalagmite, and satalcite formations, like the champagne bottle, The cathedral, etc. this is a 2 hr. underground tour

40 minutes after departing Cacahuamilpa, we arrive in the beautiful Silver City of Taxco, here after having lunch at a local Restaurant, we will have plenty of time to discover this Colonial city, and it’s many attractions like it’s famous Santa Prisca Church, the town square, and visit the many wonderful silver shops Taxco has to offer. After enjoying  the day in Taxco, we depart towards Cuernavaca at 5:30 arriving back at our final destination at 7:00 p.m.

Xochicalco Tour

Xochicalco is a Pre-Columbian Archaeological site near the Town of Miacatlan in the Western Part of the State of Morelos, about 30 minutes from Cuernavaca, the name Xochicalco may be translated from Nahuatl as "In the house of flowers. The apogee of Xochicalco came after the fall of Teotihuacan, this was an important observatory, and it also has been speculated that Xochicalco may have played a part in the fall of the Teotihuacan empire.


Chalcatzingo Tour

Chalcatzingo is a Meso American archeological site, in the Valley of Morelos, dating from the formative Period of Meso American Chronology, the site is well known for its extensive array of Olmec style monumental art and iconography.

It is estimated to have been settled as early as 1500 BC, the inhabitants began to produce and display Olmec-style art and architecture arround 900 BC, and at its height (between 700 BC and 500 BC), its population is estimated between 500 to a thousand individuals, and by 500 BC it had gone into decline.

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